It rained and it rained and it rained. Piglet told himself that never in all his life, and he was goodness knows how old - three, was it, or four? - never had he seen so much rain. Days and days and days... It was rather exciting. The little dry ditches in which Piglet had nosed about so often had become streams, the little streams across which he had splashed were rivers, and the rivers, between whose steep banks they had played so happily, had sprawled out of its own bed and was taking up so much room everywhere, that Piglet was beginning to wonder if it would be coming into his bed soon.
'It's a little Anxious,' he said to himself, 'to be a Very Small Animal Entirely Surrounded by Water.' - AA Milne
As the sky remains dark for greater periods each day and dry ditches become streams around our own neighborhood in San Pedro, daily life is changing for us.
After an action packed spring things are beginning to slow down in terms of outings and adventures. I regret to say that the ideal weather for traveling, boating, guided tours and the like is definitely behind us. I'm left with that "Sunday afternoon" feeling... just sort of blah. Not miserable really, just rather content to do not much of anything.
Although the kids are still quite happy to venture out to their favorite fishing pier in the rain, our boating and pool-hopping days are over for a while and I don't feel like leaving the house so much anymore. I'd rather dig out my favorite comfy sweats, crank up the air to an obscene level and wrap myself in a fuzzy blanket with a good book. We've been catching up on a lot of the things we didn't have time to get to in our mad rush to get out the door and catch a full day of sun and good times at the split, make the morning boat to Mexico to meet friends or just to get out on the water before the first sign of a barracuda.
We're working on a lot of unfinished projects, reaching out and touching family and friends back home more often and researching answers to history, geography and biology questions that were generated during our more active days here in Belize. Even the dog is spending more time indoors lately.
Mmmm, it's almost like winter for us I suppose; time to hibernate. Other than last Saturday night which brought us heavy rain and wind gusts of 35 knots I have neglectfully been keeping my head buried deeply in the sand in regards to the approaching hurricane season. We are not prepared at all; no plan, no supplies... I know this is not good. It's just been way too wet to go out! I promised myself that if we get a break in the weather that lasts more than 3 solid hours I will force myself beyond the corner store to pick up everything we need.
Wish me luck!
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